Mike Graziani
Mike Graziani is the Co-Founder of the Wiff is Life League. He played a significant role in getting the league off the ground.
Graziani pitched the idea of a Wiffle Ball league to Davey in 2013 and they did a test run, drawing eight teams of two players apeice. It went successful and they made it a full blown league in 2014 and it runs to this day.
The field was in Graziani's backyard for the opening years. He constructed the field, and was instrumental in the recruitment of teams.
Graziani secured uniforms for the both teams representing the WILL at the Westmoreland Wiffle Ball Fall Classic in 2014, which was the first event outside of the league that players went to. He also was important in obtaining funding for the league's first trip to the NWLA National Tounarment.
In 2017, Graziani helped promote the league to the nation when he appeared on the opening episode of the Tim W5 show on the Two Wiffle Dudes Podcast Network.
He is one that has helped out with game day duties, including being the head umpire of the championship series in 2018.
WILL Teams:
Brewers (2014), Morning Woodsman (2015), Ballpark Brawlers (2016), CBG Doughboys / Barton Bombers (2017), Booze on First (2019), Waves (2017-pres.)